拼音:fàng dà jìng英文解釋:
magnifier; reading glass【化】 magnifier; magnifying glass
【醫】 loupe; magnifier; magnifying glasses; megaloscpe
用以放大被觀察物體的凸透鏡。 >>查看“放大鏡”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.multiplyingglass 2.readinglens 3.eyegauge 4.handlens 5.hand-lensmagnifyingglass 6.amplifyinglens 7.loupe 8.handlens 9.magnifyingglass 10.whalingglass漢語造句:
- 最後寇英先生拿出一個寸鏡--一種鑽石商用的放大鏡--仔細審視那顆寶石。Finally Mr. Cohen took out a loupe, a diamond man's magnifying glass, and studied the stone.
- 耳鏡,檢耳鏡檢查耳內部(尤其是中耳)的儀器,主要包括一個放大鏡和光源An instrument for examining the interior of the ear, especially the eardrum, consisting essentially of a magnifying lens and a light.
- 放大器能放大的器具,尤指放大鏡One that magnifies, especially a magnifying glass.
- 用放大鏡把陽光聚到乾葉子上,葉子就能燃燒。If you focus the sun's rays through a magnifying glass on a dry leaf, it will start to burn.