拼音:fàng chū英文解釋:
give out; emit; blow off; discharge; let out; put out; send out【化】 liberation
【經】 put out
(1).釋放。《漢書·貢禹傳》:“放出園陵之女,罷倡樂,絶 鄭 聲。” 唐 ... >>查看“放出”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.veerout 2.let...off 3.putout 4.reelout 5.playout 6.voidance 7.letloose 8.discharge 9.blow(-)off 10.putforth 11.ejection 12.giveoff 13.snapout 14.expulsion 15.bleeding 16.setloose例句:
- 他打開窗戶,放出污濁的空氣。He opened the window to let out the foul air.
- 輸出口,噴嘴物體被釋放出的開口An aperture through which matter is discharged.
- 投出,放出投擲或發出的行為或方式The act or manner of throwing or discharging.
- 漁人放出線輪上的釣絲。The angler reeled out his fishing line.
- 酒發酵時會放出氣泡。When wine is fermented it gives off bubbles of gas.