拼音:fāng chà fēn xī英文解釋:
【計】 variance analysis【化】 analysis of variance; ANOVA
1.anova 2.dispersionanalysis例句:
- 實驗組各組間差異性用方差分析和SNK檢驗進行分析處理。The difference was compared with the analysis of variance and SNK test.
- 地空飛彈彈目視線指向預定角誤差協方差分析Covariance Analysis of Missile-to-Target LOS Pointing Angle Error for SAM
- 三軸一體化光纖陀螺的Allan方差分析Allan variance analyze of the three-axis integrative FOG
- 光纖陀螺儀零漂信號的Allan方差分析Allan variance analyse of the drift of the fiber-optic gyroscope
- 對 6個組別的IL - 8濃度採用雙因素方差分析 ,兩兩比較採用最小顯著差法 (LSD) ,檢驗水準α=0 0 5。All datas are analysed by the statistical mean of two-way ANOVA and LSD.