拼音:fǎn fù wú cháng 英文解釋:
caprice; crotchet; freak; inconstancy; whim; whimsy中文解釋:
變化不定。《三國演義》第三三回:“ 操 曰:‘ 袁譚 小子,反覆無常,吾難準信。... >>
查看“反覆無常”在國語詞典中的解釋 例句:
- 他為人反覆無常,不可信任。
He is not to be trusted: he is always chopping and changing.
- 木地板價格為何升降不一 反覆無常
Why Price of Wood Flooring is Fluctuant?
- 變換無常反覆無常或易變的情況
An instance of being eccentrically variable or fickle.
- 善變反覆無常或易變的情形或品質
The state or quality of being eccentrically variable or fickle.
- 反覆無常的夏風;反覆無常的天氣。
a capricious summer breeze; freakish weather
- 反覆無常的,多變的具有奇異念頭的特徵的或易產生這類念頭的;易衝動和不可預料的
Characterized by or subject to whim; impulsive and unpredictable.
- 他是我所遇見過的最反覆無常的傻瓜。
He was the most unstable kind of fool I had ever seen.
- 沒有人會依靠那種反覆無常的人。
No one can place reliance on a person who plays fast and loose