字典網>> 漢英字典>> F開頭詞條>>犯法的的英文翻譯


拼音:fàn fǎ de


【經】 law-breaking


  1. 危險的蠢行危險或犯法的愚蠢行為
    Perilously or criminally foolish action.
  2. 窩藏罪犯是犯法的
    Harboring criminals is an offence in law.
  3. 偷竊是犯法的
    It is not lawful to steal.
  4. 攜帶違禁品上飛機是犯法的
    It is an offence to carry hazardous material onto a plane.
  5. 一個人不懂法律不構成犯法的理由。
    Ignorance of a law does not excuse a man for violating it.
  6. 攜帶違禁品上飛機是犯法的
    It is an offence to carry hazardous material onto a plane
  7. 警察有權逮捕犯法的人。
    A policeman has the authority to arrest lawbreakers.
