字典網>> 漢英字典>> F開頭詞條>>反對的的英文翻譯


拼音:fǎn duì de


antagonistic; opponent; anti; antipathic; averse; contradictory; opposed
【機】 inverse; invert; opposed; opposite


  1. 那稽查員反對的說: 「呆帳?
    “Bad debt, my eye !" retorted the inspector.
  2. 反對否決、拒絕或反對的表示
    An expression of rejection, refusal, or disapproval.
  3. 經理的話被罷工者們反對的喊聲所淹沒。
    The manager’s remarks were lost in the strikers’ shouts of disapproval.
  4. 現行的稅法沒有一條是沒人反對的
    There never is a tax law presented but someone will oppose it
  5. 反對的話,異議
    A statement presented in opposition
  6. 噓聲表示奚落或反對的刺耳或尖厲的叫聲或哨聲
    A harsh or shrill call or whistle expressing derision or disapproval
  7. 噓聲表示輕視、嘲笑或反對的聲音
    A sound uttered to show contempt, scorn, or disapproval
  8. 表示驚訝或反對的感嘆語
    Exclamation expressing astonishment or protest
