- 本文的附錄提供了一些簡單的法律文書範本-----這將有助於你理解這些招數。
The Appendix provides a few sample forms to illustrate these tips
- 提供一個關於演講者論述內容的範本。
presentation of an example of what the lecturer is discoursing about.
- 本文的附錄提供了一些簡單的法律文書範本-----這將有助於你理解這些招數。
The Appendix provides a few sample forms to illustrate these tips.
- 從書中或者是光碟上獲取契約範本。
Obtain forms in books or CD-ROM.
- 範本每隔幾年會由法學院協會更新。
The Bluebook is updated every few years by a consortium of law schools
- 《簡·愛》:維多利亞時代女性文學的範本
Jane Eyre: A Model Novel of Female Literature in the Victorian Times