拼音:fá mù 英文解釋:
cutting; felling; log; lumber; lumbering
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查看“伐木”在國語詞典中的解釋 中英例句:
- 伐木工人在山腰上踩出了一條小路。
Woodmen trod a path on the mountainside.
- 伐木將(一塊土地上的)樹木砍倒、修整、並拖走
To cut down, trim, and haul the timber of(a piece of land)
- 伐木工人帶領我們繼續前進,一直走到伏擊地點。
The wood cutter led us on until we reached the place of ambush.
- 伐木茄克一件短,溫暖的外穿茄克
A short, warm outer jacket
- 把伐木和劈開木頭當作工作的人。
cuts down trees and chops wood as a job
- 那位伐木工人被一棵大樹壓在地上。
The lumberman was pinned down to the ground under a heavy tree
- 在西北利亞當一名伐木工人,生活一定很艱苦。
It must be a hard life, working as a Lumberman in Siberia
- 他哥哥當了市長而他還是一名伐木工人。
His brother turned mayor while he remained a woodcutter