拼音:fǎ lǜ gù wèn英文解釋:
counsel; counselor【經】 counsel
(1) ∶被指定或聘請在法律問題上為特定訴訟委託人、政府官員或公共團體提供建議或... >>查看“法律顧問”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.legaladviser 2.counsel 3.abogado 4.counsellor 5.solicitor相關對話:
- 法官請示法律顧問允許被告說明細節。The judge asked counsel for the defence to explain his point.
- 公訴法律顧問要求被告解釋為什麼汽油桶會在他的車內。Prosecute counsel asked the accused to explain why the can of petrol was in his car.
- 該信說:“我的法律顧問打算申請收入的攻擊”(此處雖有錯卻是原文)。The letter stated: "my legal adviser intend to apply for attack( sic) of earnings."
- 我父親成了一個傑出的律師,並最終成了國王的法律顧問。My father became a distinguished barrister and in due course took silk.