拼音:fǎ lǜ de英文解釋:
legal【法】 juris; juristic; nomothetic; statutory
- 這就是說,在中國註冊的商標在另一個國家不受法律的保護。That's to say, a trademark registered in China will not be legally protected in another country.
- 他們受到法律的約束。They were bound by legal ties.
- 這一裁決有法律的力量作後盾。This decree has the force of law behind it.
- 合法要求正式地要求;合乎法律的要求To claim formally; lay legal claim to.
- 由法律建立的、基於法律的、官方的或公認的準則。established by or founded upon law or official or accepted rules.
- 廢除正式的或法律的約定、契約或契約的終止或廢除Annulment or termination of a formal or legal bond, tie, or contract
- 政府最優先考慮的是維持法律的秩序。The government has gived the maintenance of law and order top priority.
- 法(理)學家精通法律的人;法律學者A person learned in law; a jurist