拼音:fā huǒ 英文解釋:
get angry; ignite
(1) ∶開始燃燒發火點(2) ∶子彈、炮彈的底火經撞擊後火藥爆發扣動扳機,但沒... >>
查看“發火”在國語詞典中的解釋 中英例句:
- 發火, 憤怒
in a chafe
- 她學會了控制自己不發火。
She learned to master her anger.
- 急得直發火
be provoked to anger
- (指彈藥筒)通過撞擊底部的邊緣來發火。
(of a cartridge) fired by striking the rim of the base.
- 他說的話很無聊, 多有涵養的人也得氣得發火
His silly chatter would vex a saint
- 他老是對孩子們發火,弄得那些孩子開始對他討厭起來。
He carries on at the children until they have come to dislike him.
- 一種含鐵和鈰的發火合金,用作打火石。
a pyrophoric alloy of iron with cerium; used for lighter flints
- 人到發火時,理智逸無蹤。
When a man grows angry, his reason rides out