字典網>> 漢英字典>> F開頭詞條>>發愁的英文翻譯 “發愁”的日文翻譯


拼音:fā chóu


be anxious; worry


(1) (2) 為煩惱或焦慮的事例所折磨我心裡不再發愁了(3) 因為沒有主意或辦... >>查看“發愁”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 現在他不用為生活發愁了。
    Today he does not have to worry about making a living.
  2. 真遺憾, 他們竟為區區小事發愁
    I hate that they should be worried about trifles.
  3. 沒有必要為這樣的枝節問題發愁了。
    There is no need to worry over such a side-issue
  4. 他們不再為養家發愁
    They have no more worries as to how to provide for their families.
  5. 不要為這事發愁
    Don't worry about it.
  6. 人人都好像有不少發愁的事。
    Everyone seems to have a thousand and one worries
  7. 在嚴冬逼近時我們非常發愁
    We got quite worried as winter closed in on us.
  8. 零售商仍在為一部分商品的稅率而發愁
    Retailers still stewed about the taxability of a number of items
