拼音:é zhà英文解釋:
blackmail; extort【法】 extor under false pretences; levy blackmail upon
(1) ∶借端敲詐,用威脅的手段索要財物訛詐錢財(2) ∶威脅恫嚇核訛詐力圖騙取... >>查看“訛詐”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.throwabluffon 2.runabluffon 3.chantage中英例句:
- 借端訛詐make use of anything as a pretext for blackmailing
- 那是一種訛詐。It was a form of blackmail.
- 那是一種訛詐。It was a form of blackmail
- 大肆訛詐put on a good bluff
- 他們的核訛詐政策破產了。Their policy of nuclear blackmail has fallen through.
- 原來他們是在進行赤裸裸的戰爭訛詐。It turns out that they are resorting to war blackmail in all its nakedness.
- 記者訛詐那名律師交給他檔案。The journalist used blackmail to make the lawyer give him the documents.