拼音:è yào 英文解釋:
main point; short; to the point
扼據要衝;切中要領據險扼要,控制四方發言、行文都應扼要 >>
查看“扼要”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
resume 相關對話:
- 我們扼要地說明了反對該建議的意見。
We outlined our main objections to the proposal.
- 總經理扼要介紹了公司明年的銷售計畫。
The general manager gave us an overview of the company's marketing plans for the coming year.
- 他的觀察報告都很簡單扼要。
All his observations were short and to the point.
- 可以向我扼要概述一下選舉結果嗎?
Can you give me the rundown on the election results?
- 請簡明扼要一點。
Please be concise and to the point.
- 發表餐後講演的金科玉律是簡明扼要。
The golden rule for after-dinner speeches is to keep them short and sweet.
- 扼要重述用簡潔的形式重複一遍
To repeat in concise form.
- 總結扼要的總述或簡潔的回顧
A summary or concise review.