拼音:ér zi英文解釋:
son【法】 boy; son
(1) ∶某人直系血統的下一代男性有兩個兒子的家(2) ∶下一代男性後裔;父母所... >>查看“兒子”在國語詞典中的解釋漢語造句:
- 他們要兒子娶個受過良好教育的女子。They wanted to unite their son to a nice educated girl.
- 他把工作暫時擱下以便有更多時間陪兒子。He put aside his work to spend more time with his son.
- 湯姆狠狠地打了他兒子一耳光。Tom gave his son a thick ear
- 他讓他兒子去敲開一家藥店的門,買一點藥。He sent his son to knock up a drug store and get some medicine.
- 他使他兒子身上有條痕以處罰他偷竊。He waled his son to punish him stealing.
- 她兒子對她再婚的強烈反對讓她很吃驚。She was taken aback by her son’s strong opposition to her remarriage.
- 一位父親想讓他的小兒子明白酒精的壞處。A father was trying to teach his little son the evils of alcohol.
- 老阿芒永遠也不會準許 兒子跟瑪格麗特 (茶花女)結婚.Old Armond would never grant his son permission to marry Margaret.