- 尊重兒童的人格
respect the personality of a child
- 瑞典4~15歲兒童的眼科學檢查的表現
Ophthalmological findings in a sample of Swedish children aged 4- 15 years
- 教育兒童的教師應當享有比父母更多的榮譽,父母只給孩子生命,而教師則創造了一個完善的生命。
latter provided more life, while the former ensure a good life
- 報紙對飢餓兒童的報導使我大為震驚。
The newspaper reports of starving children appalled me.
- 在院兒童的營養狀況普遍良好。
As a result, the nutritional status of the children is good overall.
- 兒童的監護權已判給母親。
Custody of the children was awarded to the mother.
- 兒童的“頭”等提案
"Head" Motion of Children
- 大家一致譴責虐待婦女兒童的行徑。
We all condemn cruelty to women and children.