拼音:è gǎn英文解釋:
bad blood; ill feeling; malice【法】 bad blood; ill-will
對某人不滿或憎惡的感情他對你並沒有惡感 >>查看“惡感”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.illfeeling 2.horror 3.badfeeling中英例句:
- 儘管她很不友善,但是我對她沒有惡感。I feel no ill will towards her in spite of her unkindness.
- 我對他並無惡感。I wish him no ill.
- 必須把一切惡感在發展成公開對抗之前,就消滅於萌芽狀態之中。Any ill-feeling has to be nipped in the bud before it develops into open revolt.
- 經過一次徹底的懺悔後,她感到所有的罪惡感都已被清除掉了。After making a full confession, she felt purged of any sense of sin.
- 儘管她很不友善,但是我對她沒有惡感。I feel no ill will towards her in spite of her unkindness
- 感覺或者顯得有罪惡感。feeling or revealing a sense of guilt
- 感覺或者顯得有罪惡感。feeling or revealing a sense of guilt.
- 亞當後代的與生俱來的罪惡感。a sin inherited by all descendants of Adam.