badness; evil; ferocity; vice【醫】 cac-; caco-; kako-
惡 è 不好:惡感。惡果。惡劣。惡名。醜惡。 兇狠:惡霸。惡棍。險惡。兇惡。 ...>>查看“惡”在國語字典中的解釋
1.wrong 2.wickedness 3.vicious 4.badness 5.evil中英例句:
- 電視台為出現的干擾表示歉意,那是由於惡劣的天氣狀況造成的。The television station apologized for the interference, which was due to bad weather conditions.
- 他預知自己的旅程會被惡劣天氣耽擱。He foresaw that his journey would be delayed by bad weather.
- 那個編輯在一篇社論中惡毒地攻擊了反對派。The editor got his claws into the opposition in a vicious editorial.
- 你那條惡狗對我家的貓太兇了!Your vicious dog is menacing my cat!
- 他用手杖惡狠狠地打了那條狗一頓。He gave the dog a vicious blow with his stick.
- 願上帝洗淨我的邪惡。May God cleanse my wickedness.
- 他的惡毒讓我震驚。I was shocked by his wickedness.
- 勿因善小而不為,勿因惡小而為之。We must do good rather than evil, on however humble a scale.