拼音:dǔ xìn 英文解釋:
sincerely believe in
忠實地信仰;深信不疑篤信宗教 >>
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Pietism 中英例句:
- 虔誠的,篤信的,敬神的帶有或表現出宗教的敬畏的;虔誠地尊神敬佛的;篤信的
Having or exhibiting religious reverence; earnestly compliant in the observance of religion; devout.
- 他雖然篤信宗教,但有時仍感到迷惘。
Although a very religious man, he is still troubled by occasional doubts.
- 我篤信我們是平等的,當我認為對方錯了的時候,我會以平等的身份與他爭個明白。
I accept that we are equals, and I will argue with him, as an equal, If I think he is wrong.
- 篤信運氣,賭博者的基本原則
A belief in luck, the metaphysic of the gambler.
- 我姑媽篤信佛教。
My aunt has a sincere commitment to Buddhism
- 我姑媽篤信佛教。
My aunt has a sincere commitment to Buddhism.
- 我篤信《基本法》,亦曾宣誓維護《基本法》。
I am bound by conviction, and by oath, to uphold the Basic Law.
- 我母親一輩子對占星術篤信不移。
My mother was a great believer in horoscopes all her life