- 對撞脈衝鎖模Nd:TAG雷射器的研究
Investigation of a colliding pulse mode-locked Nd:YAG laser
- 說起我們這個正負電子對撞機工程,我先講個故事。
As for the electron-positron collider, first I want to tell you a story.
- 雷射對撞鎖模技術的物理模型研究
Research on physical model of CPM
- Cr~(4+): YAG在對撞脈衝鎖模的Nd: YAG雷射器中實現被動鎖模的研究
Passive Mode?Locking in a CPM Nd∶YAG Laser Using Cr~4+?∶YAG
- 北京正負電子對撞機(BEPC)儲存環B-A規測量抗干擾的實驗研究
Experiment Study on Jamproof of B A Gauge for Storage Ring in BEPC
- 說起我們這個正負電子對撞機工程,我先講個故事。
As for the electron-positron collider, first I want to tell you a story
- CERN的LEP e~+e~-對撞機的ι~+ι~-γγ事件中的輕子激發態(英文)
Excited Leptons in l~+l~- γγ Events at the CERN e~+e~- Collider LEP
- 在高能e~+e~-對撞機上探測top-Higgs的可能性
Possibility of Detecting the top-Higgs at High Energy e~+e~- Colliders