拼音:duì shǒu英文解釋:
adversary; antagonist; equal; match; mate; opponent; rival【法】 adversary; competitor; opponent
(1) ∶競賽或鬥爭的對方(2) ∶勁敵。特指本領、能力、水平不相上下的競賽的對... >>查看“對手”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.emulant 2.mate 3.rival 4.antagonist 5.counterworker 6.equal 7.competitor 8.counterpart中英例句:
- 他是個精明的、有時候冷酷無情的對手。He is a shrewd and sometimes ruthless adversary.
- 在網球賽中,他們是對手。They were adversaries in the tennis match.
- 他被對手擊敗後,我盡力安慰他。I tried to comfort him after he was defeated by his opponent.
- 他那有力的論點駁得對手啞口無言。His forceful arguments reduced his opponents to silence.
- 他的對手毫無取勝的機會。His opponent did not stand a chance.
- 他嘲弄被擊敗的對手。He jeered at a defeated opponent.
- 他正用劍瘋狂地朝對手亂砍。He is slashing wildly at his opponent with a sword.
- 千萬不要低估對手。Never underestimate your opponent.