拼音:duì miàn英文翻譯
face to face; opposite; right in front
towards 例句:
- 把畫掛在窗戶對面的牆上。
Hang the picture on the wall opposite the window.
- 銀行在超級市場對面。
The bank is opposite the supermarket.
- 吃飯的時候我坐在他的對面。
I sat opposite to him during the meal.
- 我問對面的人他願意不願意開門。
I asked the man opposite if he would open the door.
- 奶油公司在我們大樓的對面。
The creamery is in the opposite of our building.
- 你看到火車站對面的房子了嗎?
Have you seen the house opposite the railway station?
- 我住在對面的房子裡。
I live in the house opposite.
- 我在街道對面的連鎖商店裡買了這隻麵包。
I bought this loaf of bread in the chain store opposite the street.
對面的意思 對門他就住在對面 當面南村群童欺我老無力,忍能對面為盜賊。;;唐; 杜甫《茅屋為秋風所破歌》 ∶正前方楊志卻待要回言,只見對面松林里影著一個人。;;《
水滸傳》詳細解釋.當面;面對面。 晉 陶潛