拼音:duī jī wù英文解釋:
deposit; kame相關詞條:
1.stores 2.debris 3.accretion 4.deposition中英例句:
- 塌積物在峭壁或斜坡底部由於重力作用堆積形成的岩石碎片鬆散的堆積物A loose deposit of rock debris accumulated through the action of gravity at the base of a cliff or slope.
- 殘積層由於風力所產生的土壤、灰塵和岩石細粒的堆積物Residual deposits of soil, dust, and rock particles produced by the action of the wind.
- 積壓堆積物,尤指沒完成的工作或未兌現的定單An accumulation, especially of unfinished work or unfilled orders.
- 他們須通過齊膝的爛泥和堆積物,磕磕絆絆來到遇難者身旁。They had to wade knee-deep through mud and debris to reach the victims.