拼音:dǔ chǎng英文解釋:
【法】 betting house; disorderly house; gambling house; gambling-dengaming house
專供賭博的場所。《古今小說·臨安里錢婆留髮跡》:“那 戚漢老 是 錢塘縣 第一... >>查看“賭場”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.gamblinghouse 2.shebang相關對話:
- 擔心賭場會把不良分子吸引到鎮上來Afraid the casino will draw undesirable elements to the town.
- 他把時間都消磨在賭場的賭博上。He spends all his time gambling in the casino.
- 我們都已準備好要去澳門賭場。We are all set to go to the casino in Macao.
- 這裡的賭場是我生平見過最大的賭場!The 5)casino is the biggest that I have ever seen!
- 鄰近的地區將要建造一座賭場,希望能夠善加利用波布的庇。A casino is being built nearby to capitalize on this spiritual bounty
- 賭場或莊家持有的資產。the funds held by a gambling house or the dealer in some gambling games.
- 賭場收付錢的助手收錢收得挺快,但拿出錢來就不那么高興了。The coupier takes money away fast enough, but doesn’t like to dish it out.