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【法】 bookmaker中文解釋:
用於賭博的本錢、財物 >>查看“賭本”在國語詞典中的解釋相關對話:
- 他已經把賭本全輸光了。he tried to break the bank at Monte Carlo.
- 在賭博中掌握莊家的賭本的人。the person in charge of the bank in a gambling game.
- 莊家的賭本在某些賭博遊戲中發牌者或莊家握有的現款The funds held by a dealer or banker in some gambling games
- 在賭博中掌握莊家的賭本的人。the person in charge of the bank in a gambling game
- 莊家的賭本在某些賭博遊戲中發牌者或莊家握有的現款The funds held by a dealer or banker in some gambling games.