拼音:duān wǔ jié英文解釋:
the Dragon Boat Festival中文解釋:
中國傳統節日,農曆五月初五日。相傳古代愛國詩人屈原在這天投江自殺,後人為了紀念他... >>查看“端午節”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
- 原來如此。可為什麼叫它“端午節”呢?Nick: I see. But why is it called "Dragon Boat Festival"?
- 58我們在端午節吃粽子。We eat rice dumplings at the Dragon Boat Festival.
- 為什麼你們在端午節吃用竹葉包的糯米飯呢?Why do you eat sticky rice wrapped up oin bamboo leaves on Dragon Boat Day?
- 深深的履痕,烙印出中華民族的端午節。And his deep footprint brand the Dragon Boat Festival of Chinese.