字典網>> 漢英字典>> D開頭詞條>>短缺的的英文翻譯


拼音:duǎn quē de


【經】 short; short-landed


  1. 在戰爭期間常常發生糧食短缺的情形。
    Food shortages often occur in time of war.
  2. 要緩解法律援助經費短缺的問題,需要開發新的法律援助經費籌集的新途徑。
    We need to pursue the new ways of raising money for legal aid.
  3. 低檔捲菸短缺的經濟學分析
    The Economic Analysis of Shortage in the Low-end Cigarettes
  4. 賺取額外的利益(特別是在商品供應短缺的時候)的人。
    someone who makes excessive profit (especially on goods in short supply).
  5. 一聽到蘋果要短缺的訊息,家庭主婦們便開始多買些存著。
    Housewives started to stock up when a shortage of apples was reported
  6. 我們想幫助緩解國家糧食短缺的狀況。
    We want to help alleviate the national food shortage.
  7. 汽油短缺的謠傳原來是一場虛驚.
    The rumours of a petrol shortage turned out to is a false alarm.
  8. 大雨是蔬菜短缺的原因。
    Heavy rains were responsible for the shortage of vegetables.
