拼音:duǎn fā 英文解釋:
(1).稀少的頭髮。指老年。 唐 杜甫 《奉送郭中丞兼太僕充隴右節度使三十韻》... >>
查看“短髮”在國語詞典中的解釋 中英例句:
- 男孩子們因他理了短髮而跟他開玩笑。
The boys rallied him on his short haircut.
- 現在流行短髮.
It is fashionable to have short hair nowadays.
- 我說,“您能不能告訴我--她留的是長發還是短髮?”。
" Can you tell me -- did she keep her hair long or short?
- 短裙;短髮;甲板只有一英尺長;一次投得很近的投擲。
short skirts; short hair; the board was a foot short; a short toss
- 我爸爸有鬍子,短髮,身材高,但有點瘦。
My daddy has the beard, short sends, stature high, but is a littlethin.
- 請給我剪短髮。
Please have my hair bobbed.
- 我爸爸有鬍子,短髮,身材高,但有點瘦。
My daddy has the beard, short sends, stature high, but is a littlethin
- 塵夢半生吹短髮,清歌一曲送殘陽——清代女詞人顧太清和她的詞
Gu Tai-qing and her Creations of Ci