拼音:dǒu rán英文解釋:
突然 >>查看“陡然”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
- 我們轉過彎,看到路陡然下傾。We turned the corner and saw that the road descended steeply.
- 曲線平滑的開始,而不是陡然出現。The curve starts smoothly, never out of a sudden.
- 我們轉過彎,看到路陡然下傾We turned the corner and saw that the road descended steeply
- 曲線平滑的開始,而不是陡然出現。The curve starts smoothly, never out of a sudden
- 今年上半年陡然上漲的物價現在穩定了。Prices, which zoomed up in the first part of this year, are now steady.
- 飛機陡然向左側斜飛行。The plane banked steeply to the left.