- 技術MBA的動因及實例分析
Theoretic and Practical Analyses on Techno-MBA Education
- 羅馬行省建立的歷史動因
The Reason of the Establishment of Roman Provinces in the History
- 搖動因外來力量而搖晃或顫抖
To shake or shiver from impact.
- 郵政企業技術創新的動因分析與運行機制研究
Study on the incentive of technological innovation in post enterprises
- 布希政府可能改變保守性貿易政策的動因分析
The review and expectation of Bush government trade policy
- 簡·奧斯丁創作動因的現代解讀
The Modern lnterpretation of Jane Austen’s Creative Motives
- 宇宙膨脹動因的另類物理解釋
A different physical interpretation on the cosmic expansion agent
- 當代新詞“零X”詞族探微——兼論當代漢語構詞方式演化的動因
An Exploration of a Contemporary Neological Word Family of “零(zero)+X”