字典網>> 漢英字典>> D開頭詞條>>動態回響的英文翻譯


拼音:dòng tài xiǎng yīng


【計】 dynamic response
【化】 dynamic response


  1. 高速凸輪機構動態回響的區段諧波分析
    Dynamic reponse harmonics analysis of high speed cam mechanism
  2. 凸輪從動件系統對輸入運動的動態回響
    The Dynamic Response of Cam Follower System to the Input Motion
  3. 大功率適配器的快速負載動態回響控制與設計
    Design and Control of Fast Load Dynamic Response for High Power Adapter
  4. 運行不同的RPWM 方案時Buck 變換器的動態回響(英文)
    The Dynamic Response of a Buck Converter Run by RPWM Schemes
  5. RG-150系列數控液壓折彎工具機身動態回響分析
    The Dynamic Response of RG-150 CNC Hydraulic Press-brake Frame
  6. 電力系統動態回響的數據挖掘
    Data Mining of Electrical Power System Dynamic Response
  7. 胸腹部對氣流吹襲的動態回響
    Dynamic Response of Thorax and Abdomen to Windblast
