字典網>> 漢英字典>> D開頭詞條>>動手術的英文翻譯 “動手術”的日文翻譯


拼音:dòng shǒu shù


operate; perform an operation
【醫】 operate


(1) ∶給某人做手術(2) ∶被做手術 >>查看“動手術”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 你看什麼時候可以動手術呢?
    When do you think it can be operated on?
  2. 母親不得不住院動手術
    Mother had to go to hospital for her operation.
  3. 我需要動手術嗎?
    Do I need surgery?
  4. 一想到要動手術,我就緊張起來。
    The thought of undergoing a surgical operation tied me in knots
  5. 您做得X光透視(打針、動手術)。
    You must be X?rayed (given injections, operated in).
  6. 醫生決定馬上(給她)動手術.
    The doctors decided to operate (on her) immediately
  7. 動手術之後還需要帶頸部的支架6個月時間。
    2 She had to wear a neck brace for six months after the surgery.
  8. 診斷為晚期癌症,急需動手術
    A diagnosis of advanced cancer indicating an emergency operation
