拼音:dòng qíng 英文解釋:
become enamoured; become excited
(1) ∶對人或事物產生愛慕的感情浪跡天涯去,南荒必動情(2) ∶情緒激動他輕聲... >>
查看“動情”在國語詞典中的解釋 中英例句:
- 我們已注意到溫度的波動情形.
We had already perceived how the temperature fluctuated.
- 動情期的,求偶期的動情期,與動情期有關的或處於動情期的
Of, relating to, or being in estrus.
- 一個易動情的青年
a susceptible young man
- 心電圖,心動電流圖電圖儀描記心動情況的曲線,用於心臟疾病的診斷
The curve traced by a cardiograph, used in the diagnosis of heart disorders
- 為了捕獲一些這類動物,我們觀察了它們的活動情況。
In order to obtain some of these animals we observed their movements.
- (2)在動情期LeY及H-1抗原可進入子宮腔中;
At estrous stage,LeY and H-1antigens were present in the uterine lumen.
- (指低級哺乳動物)發情或在動情期;發情期。
(of lower mammals) showing or in a state of estrus; in heat
- 是什麼讓我們如此動情的歌唱?
What makes us sing so moving?