拼音:dòng luàn 英文解釋:
convulsion; disturbance; ferment; trouble; turmoil; upheaval中文解釋:
(1) ∶騷動變亂(2) ∶極度紊亂不安或劇烈的變化的情況世界各民族正捲入了歷史... >>
查看“動亂”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關對話:
- 對西班牙人民來說, 30年代的政治動亂是苦難的歲月。
The political turmoils of the 1930s were dark days for the Spanish people.
- 變革時期可能會出現動亂。
Instability may arise at times of change.
- 軍隊安排飛機把士兵運到發生動亂的島上去。
The army arranged to fly the men out to the troubled island.
- 英國軍隊將撤離這個動亂地區。
British forces will be drawn out of the troubled area.
- 十年動亂
ten chaotic years; a decade of turmoil
- 激烈的政治動亂
a violent political upheaval
- 十年動亂
(of the so-called Cultural Revolution) 10-year catastrophe