- 只有最耐寒的動物成為了嚴冬的倖存者。
only the fittest animals were survivors of the cold winters.
- 這是一個寒冷的、仲冬的夜晚。
It was a cold mid winter night.
- 仲冬的一天;仲冬的風雪
A midwinter day; midwinter storms
- 歐羅巴腓尼基公主,被宙斯化作白牛,將其劫至克里特島,是邁諾斯,拉達曼西斯,薛爾泊冬的母親
him the mother of Minos, Rhadamanthus, and Sarpedon
- 海口是海南的省會,是個過冬的好去處。
Haikou is the capital of Hainan, wonderful in winter.
- 我不知道窮人們是怎樣熬過那些寒冬的。
I don't know how poor people got through those cold winters.
- 他們種植了一種可越冬的番茄。
They planted a tomato that could be wintered over
- 泥灘成為成千上萬隻遷徙的天鵝越冬的場所。
The mudflats offer a winter home to thousands of migrating swans