拼音:dòng dàn 英文解釋:
(1) ∶運動碰碰車動彈起來怪好玩的(2) ∶活動綁得太緊,簡直無法動彈 >>
查看“動彈”在國語詞典中的解釋 例句:
- 橋樑高墩氣動彈性模型風洞試驗的相似律
The Similarity Rules of Aeroelastic Model of High Pier Wind Tunnel Tests
- 恐懼使我坐在凳子上動彈不得
Fear nailed me to my seat.
- 我們累得動彈不得。
We were so tired we couldn't move a muscle
- 汽車上人太多了, 我被擠在裡面動彈不得。
The bus was so full that I was jammed in and couldn't move.
- 他們一窩蜂從車後擠下來,活動活動被擠得動彈不了的四肢。
They piled out of the back of the car and stretched their cramped limbs.
- 作大範圍運動彈性梁的動力剛化分析
Dynamics of an elastic beam in large overall motion
- 撞毀的汽車把她壓在下面動彈不得.
She was pinned under the wreckage of the car
- 我做了一個可以有自動彈跳裝置的卡片.
I made a pop-up card.