拼音:dì yù英文翻譯
hell; inferno; underworld; Tophet【法】 hell
1.Hades 2.Tophet 3.LowerWorld 4.Abaddon 5.netherworld 6.netherregions 7.Gehenna 8.Avernus 9.thelowerworld 10.thelowerregions 11.thegulfbelow 12.inferno 13.peklo 14.Naraka 15.ballyhack例句:
- 如果德克薩斯州與地獄是我的,我會把德克薩斯州租出去而住進地獄裡。If I owned texas and hell, I'd rent out Texas and live in hell.
- 老是擔心自己的靈魂是否會被打入地獄的人,其靈魂大抵不值分文。The man who is always worrying whether or not his soul will be damned generally have a soul that is not worth a damn.
- 地獄之路無坎坷。The road to hell is easy.
- 人們對於虛構的地獄中的鬼神仍具有一種普遍的恐懼。People still have a general fear for the imaginary infernal powers.
- 牧師說,他們將因罪惡而下地獄。The priest said they would go to hell for their sins.