拼音:dǐng zhuàng 英文解釋:
bunt; contradict中文解釋:
(1) ∶以頭向前頂推頂撞籬笆善於頂撞的山羊(2) ∶多指用強硬的話反駁對方,多... >>
查看“頂撞”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
RAM 2.
bunt 3.
buck 漢語造句:
- 牴觸,頂撞用頭或角進行的推或撞
A push or blow with the head or horns.
- 20因為他們說惡言頂撞你、你的仇敵也妄稱你的名。
They speak of you with evil intent; your adversaries misuse your name.
- 牴觸,頂撞用頭或角進行的推或撞
A push or blow with the head or horns
- 因為這是一個孩子在頂撞他們,而且說話像大人一樣。
This was a child, speaking against them, a child tal king like a grown man
- 從現在開始,我不會再忍受你那些無禮頂撞的話了。
I won't take any more of your sauce from now on.
- 你頂撞你的老闆真是沒禮貌。
It was saucy of you to contradict your boss.
- 你頂撞父親,真是無禮。
It was saucy of you to contradict your father.
- 牴觸,頂撞用頭或角頂撞或頂推;猛撞
To hit or push against with the head or horns; ram.