拼音:dìng gòu英文解釋:
order; order goods【法】 order
訂購,預定購買貨物 >>查看“定購”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.order 2.giveanorderfor 3.givenanorderfor 4.gaveanorderfor 5.ordering漢語造句:
- 該店定購了20本這種書,現在卻無法脫手。The shop ordered 20 copies of the book and now it can't get rid of (ie sell) them.
- 我已(向商店)定購了一塊新地毯。I've ordered a new carpet (from the shop).
- 送貨車已把定購的雜貨送來了。A delivery van has brought the grocery order.
- 我們為晚會定購了三箱蘇打水。We ordered 3 cases of soda for the party.
- 我從花店定購了一個花冠。I ordered a wreath from the florist.