拼音:dǐng fèi英文解釋:
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比喻吵鬧、亂糟糟的樣子。有如鍋里的水開了一樣義兵鼎沸,在於董卓。—&... >>查看“鼎沸”在國語詞典中的解釋中英例句:
- 廣場上人山人海,人聲鼎沸。The square was a sea of people and a hubbub of voices bubbled up.
- 全場引頸以待, 群情鼎沸.A quiver of expectancy ran through the audience.
- 全場引頸以待, 群情鼎沸A quiver of expectancy ran through the audience
- 廣場上人山人海,人聲鼎沸。The square was a sea of people and a hubbub of voices bubbled up
- 人聲鼎沸a hubbub of voices