拼音:dī lì英文解釋:
【經】 low interest中文解釋:
較少的利息低息貸款 >>查看“低利”在國語詞典中的解釋例句:
- 銀行競相以低利率貸款.The banks are lending money at a competitive rate of interest.
- 銀行競相以低利率貸款The banks are lending money at a competitive rate of interest
- 降低利率的用意是刺激經濟。The intention of lowering interest rates is to stimulate the economy.
- 低利息的長期貸款對小型企業會有幫助。The availability of cheap long-term credit would help small business.
- 從目前的經濟情勢看, 很有可能降低利率A fall in interest rates is a probability in the present economic climate
- 低利率、免服務費的信用卡是一種很實用的理財工具。A free low-interest credit card can be a useful budgeting tool