拼音:dì jié英文解釋:
contract【法】 conclusion; enter into
(1) ∶訂立,組織締結條約締結盟約(2) ∶創立或建立締結邦交(3) ∶簽定準... >>查看“締結”在國語詞典中的解釋相關對話:
- 他們和她締結了一項條約。They have entered into a treaty with her
- 我們締結了一正式協定We otered into a solemn bond
- 謹賀你們締結良緣。Every good wish on your marriage.
- 據報導,這兩個國家已締結軍事協定The two countries are reported to have concluded a military convention
- 訂金提前支付作為締結一契約或交易的部分支付金Money paid in advance as part payment to bind a contract or bargain.
- 我們締結了一份正式契約。We entered into a solemn bond
- 締結盟約to conclude a pact
- 締結和約conclude a treaty of peace