拼音:dí fāng de英文解釋:
【法】 hostile相關詞條:
- 土地一片平坦,戰士無法躲避敵方的炮火。The flat land gave the soldiers no cover from enemy fire.
- 他們甚至可以將自己偽裝成敵方的成員。They can even disguise themselves as a member of the opposite faction
- 敵方戰鬥機敵方的飛機,尤指戰鬥機A hostile aircraft, especially a fighter aircraft
- 政府開始轟炸敵方的城市, 使戰爭進一步擴大。The government escalated the war by starting to bomb enemy cities.
- 他們甚至可以將自己偽裝成敵方的成員。They can even disguise themselves as a member of the opposite faction.
- "土地一片平坦,戰士無法躲避敵方的炮火。"The flat land gave the soldiers no cover from enemy fire.