拼音:dié dié bù xiū 英文解釋:
rattle; twitter; blat; cackle; chipper; wag中文解釋:
嘮嘮叨叨,說個沒完 >>
查看“喋喋不休”在國語詞典中的解釋 中英例句:
- 關於他的妻子,他喋喋不休地說個沒完。
He yakked on endlessly about his wife.
- 克蘭克太太來用茶點,喋喋不休地說個不停。
Mrs.Crank came to tea and talked nineteen to the dozen.
- 我妻子天天喋喋不休地重複同樣的話。
My wife murmurs the same thing day in and day out.
- 她的喋喋不休使我煩惱。
Her continuous chatter vex me.
- 其中的一位將軍喋喋不休,靜不下來。
One of these was exceedingly talkative and would not be quiet.
- 輕浮的談話是有害的;而且,做一個喋喋不休的人實在很不體面。
Frivolous talk is hurtful talk; besides, it is unbecoming to be chatterbox.
- 喋喋不休地講這講那
Rattled on about this and that.
- 他喋喋不休地大談他度假的事。
He kept rattling on about his holidays.