字典網>> 漢英字典>> D開頭詞條>>低點的英文翻譯


拼音:dī diǎn


【經】 low


  1. 這個月利潤下降到新的低點
    Profits have reached a new low this month
  2. 到這次新聞發布時, 貿易量已達到最低點
    At the time of this news release, trading had reached its lowest point.
  3. 含有烴類的那部分圈閉的最低點稱為溢出點。
    The highest point of a trap is the crest, or culmination.
  4. 他的聲望摔落下來,到有史以來的低點
    His popularity had plummeted to an all-time low.
  5. 短暫的白晝和沉鬱的天氣勾結到了一塊,將伊娃的情緒降到了最低點
    The short days and foul weather conspire to drive Eva into the ground.
  6. 含有烴類的那部分圈閉的最低點稱為溢出點。
    The highest point of a trap is the crest, or culmination
  7. 低潮工商業循環的低潮或數據圖表上的低點
    A low point in a business cycle or on a statistical graph.
  8. 商品價值目前已到了最低點
    The value of the goods is at rock bottom right now.
