- 低垂的目光
A downcast glance
- 他低垂著腦袋,一會兒工夫就睡著了。
His head drooped down and a few minutes later he fell asleep
- 她眼瞼低垂好像快要睡著的樣子。
Her eyelids drooped as if she were on the verge of sleep.
- 我關上儲物櫃的門,低垂著頭,強忍住眼淚。
I closed my locker door, hung my head low, and fought back a tear.
- 因為壓力或失去拉緊的力而低垂、下沉或下陷。
droop, sink, or settle from or as if from pressure or loss of tautness.
- 我們在夜幕低垂時放棄了搜尋。
We gave up the search at nightfall.
- 校長同小女孩談話時,她一雙眼睛始終低垂著。
The little girl kept her eyes downcast when the headmaster talked to her.
- 校長同小女孩談話時,她一雙眼睛始終低垂著。
The little girl keeps her eyes downcast when the headmaster talk to her.