- 拉伊俄斯底比斯國王,被他自己的兒子俄底浦斯誤殺
A king of Thebes who was mistakenly killed by his own son, Oedipus.
- 安菲特律翁底比斯國王,阿爾克墨涅的丈夫
A king of Thebes and the husband of Alcmene.
- 塞墨勒是底比斯的締造者卡德摩斯的女兒。
Semele was the daughter of Cadmus, founder of Thebes.
- 他倆生的女兒叫哈耳摩尼業,日後成為戰火連綿的底比斯王朝的開國女祖。
Their daughter Harmonia is the ancestress of the unquiet dynasty of Thebes.
- 伊俄卡斯特底比斯的王后,她無意中嫁給了自己的兒子俄狄浦斯
A queen of Thebes who unknowingly married her own son, Oedipus.
- 伊俄卡斯特底比斯的王后,她無意中嫁給了自己的兒子俄狄浦斯
A queen of Thebes who unknowingly married her own son, Oedipus