字典網>> 漢英字典>> D開頭詞條>>碉堡的英文翻譯 “碉堡”的日文翻譯


拼音:diāo bǎo


blockhouse; pillbox


木、鐵或混凝土製軍事上的防禦建築物,通常部分埋在地下以防禦炮火,並作為自衛基地 >>查看“碉堡”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 這裡是B組,我們的進攻完全因為敵人的碉堡停滯了。
    「This is company B, our attack is getting held up by enemy bunker.
  2. 碉堡被烈性炸藥炸得粉碎。
    The pillbox was blown to pieces by high explosive.
  3. 我怎麽會知道我從沒去過的田野上的碉堡
    How could I know about the bunker in the field what I never been?
  4. 火炮是對著那個碉堡部署的。
    The artillery was deployed to bear on the fort.
  5. 防禦牆外側的眼鏡堡有兩個突出面和兩個平行側面的碉堡
    A fortification that has two projecting faces and two parallel flanks
  6. 防守碉堡的戰士使大批敵人無法接近。
    The soldiers defending the fort stood off a large band of enemies.
  7. 碉堡
    attack a stronghold
  8. 我們看到碉堡發射孔里有人影。
    Our eyes catch sight of a form in the blockhouse port