拼音:diàn tī英文翻譯
elevator; lift【化】 electrical elevator
1.lift 2.liftshaft 3.movingstaircase 4.cagehoist 5.elevatorshaft 6.electricallift(elevator) 7.electriclift 8.passengerlift 9.ascenseur 10.elevatingconveyer 11.[England]lift例句:
- 沒有電梯,我們得爬六段樓梯。There was no lift and we had to climb six flights of stairs.
- 她乘電梯迅速到達頂層。She (was) whisked up to the top floor in the lift.
- 他按鍵招呼電梯。He pressed the button to call the lift.
- 這台電梯運轉不正常。The lift doesn't operate properly.
- 這部電梯的載容量為15人。The lift has a capacity of 15 persons.
- 表示電梯之意的lift是英國英文。"Lift" for "elevator" is a Briticism.
- 你可以按這個按鈕叫電梯。You may push this button to call the elevator.
- 我坐電梯上了第十八層。I took the elevator to the eighteenth floor.