拼音:diàn shǎn 英文解釋:
閃電。 宋 蘇軾 《觀子玉郎中草聖》詩:“ 柳侯 運筆如電閃, 子云 寒悴 羊... >>
查看“電閃”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
lightningflash 漢語造句:
- 由於電閃雷鳴,媽媽感到十分不安。
Mother is all of a flutter because of thunder and lightning.
- 電閃雷鳴,狂風大作。
The lightning flashed and the thunder roared, and a fierce gale sprang up
- 我把他的天才比作電閃。
I compare his genius to a lightning-flash.
- 電閃雷鳴,狂風大作。
The lightning flashed and the thunder roared, and a fierce gale sprang up.
- 我把他的天才比作電閃。
I compare his genius to a lightning-flash
- 由於電閃雷鳴,媽媽感到十分不安。
Mother is all of a flutter because of thunder and lightning